403 West First Street South
PO Box 592
Prescott AR 71857
Phone: (870) 887-5821
Last passenger train from Prescott, Sept. 1972.
Photo Book 4
Centenial Celebration excursion train. These were the last passengers to board any train at this depot. Sept. 1972.
Comments about this photo from our web site visitors:
Posted by samuel T. Gulley (Anonymous) (Atlanta) on 2004-03-13
What a marvelous medium the internet is, it's like a magic carpet in that with only strokes of the computer keyboard you can go so far back in time to your memories. Things that have not been thought of for so long. Prescott of the 1950's was a unique place in which to grow up, not perfect for sure but full of wholesome caring and genuine community love. The train station for all of my arrivals and departures, coming home from college after three days riding on "coach" from Spokane, Washington indeed was a welcome sight with my dad waiting for me at one a.m.. You might remember it did'nt stop to pick up passengers without the stationmaster radioing in advance to Texarkana for it to stop. It just "blew " through Prescott otherwise. Great memories expand on it and keep up the good work.
Posted by Stephen Saunders (stephen_saunders@comcast.net) (Dallas, Tx) on 2005-08-17
I rode that train with my grandmother (mamaw) when I was only five years old. Afterward she bought me a hamburger and root beer! I was very excited! Thanks for bringing back a cherished memory.