The Prescott Gymnasium, located at corner of West Elm and 3rd St. One of the finest gyms in Arkansas in it's day. The Harlem Globe Trotters, Lewis & Norwood Flyers and other professional teams played here. Built by WPA in 1935 & 1936. Destroyed by termites in the 1950's.
- 1940s
Identification of Vol - 90 - No 21 (photo above) is: Ellis T. Sudsbury and wife Ella Fredona Billingsley Sudsbury And children. Top row: Roy and Zelma. Middle row: Verda and Ruth. Bottom row: Cam and Fay.
- 1911
Prescott's very first High School Football Team, 1911. Mr. Adam Guthrie Sr. was the coach. The photo you are seeing is a news paper clipping from 1954.
- 1911
Willow Oak Acres, Nationally Known Tennessee Walking Horse Stable during 1940's and 1950's. Located on Highway 24 west on the left across the Inter-state Hwy.
- 1940s
During the 1941 Military Manuevers held all over South Arkansas the local High School was used as a base Hospital. Note the tents and temporary barracks in the upper left of picture. Approximately 1,000 men were in this unit.
- 1940s
All are pictures of a fatal wreck on the P & NW Rail Road. Cause of wreck unknown. The engineer was killed and several others injured. 1918.Also see vol 92 no 4, 3 and 2 for more info.
- 1918
Brief history of the P&NW Rail Road: Prescott and Northwestern Railroad Co. October 16, 1890 Organized. R. L. Powers, President named president on October 16, 1890 W. B. Waller named president on Jan. 2, 1892 Benj. Whitaker named president on Jan. 25, 1892 W. N. Bemis named president March 27, 1893 J. R. Bemis named president on June 6, 1935 Reorganization as The Prescott and Northwestern Railroad Company on January 20,1892. Extention of line to Belton was made after reorganization. Payroll for year of 1951 was $76,832.00
- 1950s
County officials, 1940's. Back Row L to R. Owen Watters, Treasurer, John Jarvis, Clerk, Basil Munn. Front Row L to R. Brad Bright, Sheriff, Carl Mitchell, Judge and H. L. Vandiver, Chief Deputy Sheriff.
- 1940
The J. M. Pittman home, located on the corner of East Ross St. and East Second South. At the current location of Central Baptist Church parking lot.
- 1920s
In the same year, 1890, that Prescott Hardware Company was formed in Prescott, this picture of the Knights of the Orient Social Club was taken. Shown standing left to right is Sam Orr, William Fraganzi, Ira McMillan, M. W. Greeson and Captain W. J. Blake . Front Row seated, left to right is R. L. Blakely, Dr. W. C. Wingfield, C. E. Shankle and (cut off in photo) R. P. Arnold. Also see vol 102 no 21.
- 1890
Front row of same photo as above. Knights of the Orient Social Club. Seated left to right is R. L. Blakely, Dr. W. C. Wingfield, C. E. Shankle and (cut off in photo) R. P. Arnold. Date 1890. Date on photo 1904. Also see vol 102 no 20 for more details.
- 1904
Prescott Ice Co. operated 1920's &1930's by Smith & Cress. Produced Ice, Ice Cream and for years were the franchise holders of the Eskimo Pie Products.
- 1920s
Nevada County Hardware Co. located corner of West Main &West 2nd St. Operated by Dwight & Arthur Westmoreland until about 1934. H. O. Giles was the funeral director along with having full ambulance service.
- 1920s
The yard and storage shed of Junction City Lumber Co. which was located on Wildcat Road on East side of RR. John A. Davis was owner. Mrs. Anna Birdsong is his grand-daughter. 1910 - 1930. See vol 111 no 5 for another view.
- 1910s
Grammer school located on West Elm between 2nd & 3rd streets. Built early 1900. Second floor was removed about 1920 and building was used as "middle school" until the 1950's. Photos supplied by Jerry McKelvey.
- 1900s
Another group from Bluff City School 1920's. Bluff City pictures from Jerry McKelvey. All captions are readable with magnafying glass. See vol 117 no 5, 13 and 14.
- 1920s
Picture made in the back yard of the Norman Whitaker residence on East 5th between Pine & Vine Streets. The lady is Mrs. Norman Whitaker Sr. The huge house in the background is the "Hilcrest", one of Gov. McRae's early homes. Located at the corner of 5th and Pine Streets.
- none
The southeast corner of the Court House Square. During the 1930's and earlier there were more horses, mules and wagons than automobiles in Prescott.
- 1930s