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We suspended comments from late 2009 until July 2016 because of the tremendous number of junk postings.
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Rev. Matthew Hunter Fielding is my great GF. Geneology records show Matthew was born in Davidson county, TN in 1826, and died in 1888 in the Honea home near Prescott.
Served in 19th (Dockery's) Arkansas Infantry Regt.,Company H, Confederate States of America.He is the brother of my GreatGrandFather Zenus R. Atkins who also served in the CSA.
Served in 19th (Dockery's) Arkansas Infantry Regt.,Company H, Confederate States of America.He is the brother of my GreatGrandFather Zenus R. Atkins who also served in the CSA.
Served in 19th (Dockery's) Arkansas Infantry Regt.,Company H, Confederate States of America.He is the brother of my GreatGrandFather Zenus R. Atkins who also served in the CSA.
Served in 19th (Dockery's) Arkansas Infantry Regt.,Company H, Confederate States of America.He is the brother of my GreatGrandFather Zenus R. Atkins who also served in the CSA.
Served in 19th (Dockery's) Arkansas Infantry Regt.,Company H, Confederate States of America.He is the brother of my GreatGrandFather Zenus R. Atkins who also served in the CSA.
Served in 19th (Dockery's) Arkansas Infantry Regt.,Company H, Confederate States of America.He is the brother of my GreatGrandFather Zenus R. Atkins who also served in the CSA.
Mary Frances Grimes McRaven
mother to: Billy Wayne Mitchell
born: Oct. 25, 1956
died : Jan. 13, 1957
buried at Solitude Baptist Church Cemetary, Albertville, Alabama
Richard Bomar Grimes
Vertie Mae Roberts Grimes
both buried at Solitude Baptist Church Cemetary, Albertville Alabama
Unless there are 2 A. P. Greers buried in the county, I have different info on him. I have AP as being a Private - Co. B - 33 Ark. Inf - CSA. Other info is correct.
I am a Great Grandson of his.
Mary Ethel Moore was the daughter of Loise Cordelia (nee Derks) 1902–1988 and Carrol Dewey Moore 1898–1934.
She died in Hartshorne, Oklahoma but was buried in Nevada County where her father was from.
After corresponding with family researchers, it is likely that Ammorilous Barksdale died in 1884 and that her child, D. A. Barksdale, was born in late 1882 or in 1883.
Re: dates for Ammorilious Barksdale and D. A. Barksdale. Both grave markers are broken and the dates are no longer visible. A 1950 cemetery survey had D. A. Barksdale born in 1862, but some of the descendants say it should be 1882. Since Ammorilious was born in 1842, I am inclined to think the 1862 birth date for D. A. is probably correct.
This is a really nice site! I lived for a year in Prescott while I was 16 (that was 16 yrs ago, and I STILL remember the fight song for the Curly Wolves!). I've always been a bit nostalgic about Prescott. Anyhow, I found some of my family in the Laneburg Cem: W. T. "Bill" Fryar - my grampa, William Thomas, his brother John Christopher Fryar (and yes, he IS in that cem.), his sister Elsie Elizabeth Fryar Jones (m. Melvin Ambus Jones bur. in same) There are more Fryar's in that cem. They are in that same row with my grampa (there's 5 or 6 graves). My grampa Bill has a yellow Forsythia bush planted next to him, at the head of the grave. His first wife (Marie?) died in childbirth along with the baby - the bush is the baby's marker (don't know about the wife). Also, my 1st cousin, Leonard Ural "Lynn" Raley, son of Alice (Fryar) (Simpson) Haney, is buried on the other side of my grampa. Lynn died in Apr 2001, age 42 (Just FYI). What I would like the find out is where my greater-grandparents are buried. Christopher Columbus & Martha Alice (Rothwell) Fryar, John Richard "Dick" & Mary E. (Roberts) Rothwell. I have family history on my Rothwell branch, (if anyone's interested) but nothing on the Robert's or Fryar's. Thanks again for this wonderful site!
Tabitha, Why don't you donate some black history, instead of accusing white people of hate ?. It's people like you, that keep the hate alive. Do your part, and quit blaming someone else.
Comment by J.C. Ridling (jridling@windstream.net) (Amity) on 2007-02-02 to Cemetery.
I'm not a preson to rock the boat but, I do want to know why is it that there is not a history of blacks on this website or why is there no black people that I seen in the deann cemetery?? I know for a fact that my grandfather and my great aunt and uncle are buried there and no one put their history in the deann cemetery biography. Are they not apart of the history? do they not count??? my grandfather was in a war do he not count???? is it because he is black??? I thought we as a people had gotten past the hate?
Comment by Tabitha Newborn (trnewborn1@yahoo.com) (Anonymous) on 2006-12-20 to Cemetery.
I agree with others on greatness of Nevada County Cemetery Surveys. I especially like researching by family name & printed out a couple of family surnames as aids in my genalogy research. Dorothy Maxwell
Comment by Dorothy (dfmaxwell@hotmail.com) (Maumelle AR) on 2006-08-23 to Cemetery.
My gggranmother Pheobe(Jane) galloway is buried in miday methosidt church cmemtery next to her grandson Oren C Galloway.
However tne records you have on-line has it CALLOWAY instead of Galloway. Please change if possible for future researches it would help.
Thanks Kristeen Galloway
This is the finest cemetery information I've come across for Arkansas. Very good and as complete as I''ve seen.
Comment by DINAH L. WATSON (ihav2muchluv4u12@aol.com) (Anonymous) on 2006-06-15 to Cemetery.
I am asking for help and or any information about the Hays families in Nevada Co. There is a "Nancy Hays" buried in the White Church, sometimes called, "the Carolina Church". I visited this Cemetery on June 8, 2006, looking for Berry and Nancy Hay Beard's graves. She was born in SC and lived in the Woodlawn Community. There had been a bouquet of silk white roses punched into the ground by the old headstone. I had a hard time reading the dates of birth and death. Earlier recording said that it was hard to read but that an inscription was thought to read,"Wife of Henry" I wonder if it might have said "Wife of Berry". Does anyone know anything about this grave or any Hays buried in the White Cemetery? The stone had eroded away taking almost the faint date of death. It did not bear the inscription of "Wife of Henry" (or Berry) any longer. Please respond to this inquiry if anyone knows anything about any family of Hay or Hays. Thank you so much!
Is there away I can have my Fathers name corrected on your web site. He is buried in Washington Hills Cemetery his name is spelled Hezekiah Murphy not Hezikiah please correct Thank you somuch for this site and including the names of my family also my Grandfather is buried there but has no head stone or marker his name is James Murphy.
I am looking for someone in the area that can send me a digital picture via email of a grave in the Harmony Cemetery.
Looking for Hale and Sadie NASH. Also looking for his parents Lovick Mason NASH and May Ida (Rogers).
Thanks in advance for your time!!!
Charles Nash
I notice that you have my grandmother, Mrs. C. E. GREGORYl isted as being buried at Providence Cemetery, in June, 1927.
Age 50, grave not found. Information from new spaper. However, on her death certificate, burial is shown to be at Missionary Grove Cemetery on 06 June 1927.
Her full name was Florence Ann LEONARD, GREGORY b: 05 APR 1875 in LaClede Co., MO. She was married to Charles Evans GREGORY and they had the following chhildren.
William Calvin GREGORY b. 1907
Charles Evans GREGORY, JR. B. 1911
Mary Florence GREGORY b. 1914 d. Oct, 1981
Ethel Ruby GREGORY b. 02 Sep 1916 (my precious mother) d: 29 Oct 1994
Vera GREGORY b. 1911 still living
After the death of my grandmother, all of the girls were put into the Methodist Home Orphanage at Waco, Texas. All graduated from high school and all got college degrees.
If anyone has any info on a family named Bullock that lived at Prescott during the 1920's, please contact me at err78@ev1.net.
This is a great survey and I wish to thank Mr. & Mrs. McKelvey.
Gloria Knight
I found several members of my family in the cemetery listings. Falcon (old) and Harmony, Is there a cemetery association for either of these cemeteries? Would like to get some more information. Also noted there were graves in Previous Listing"" but not this one, how do I find "Previous Listing"?
I have a death date I can give you for one you couldn't read.
Comment by Anonymous (Anonymous) (Anonymous) on 2005-05-18 to Cemetery.
Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with the Falcon cemetery in Nevada County? I am interested in a J. Mullins buried there and would like to write to the cemetery to find out if they have any information on him. This is for genealogical purposes. My email is: firefly9@airmail.net. Thank You.
Can anyone tell me how to get in touch with the Falcon cemetery in Nevada County? I am interested in a J. Mullins buried there and would like to write to the cemetery to find out if they have any information on him. This is for genealogical purposes. My email is: firefly9@airmail.net. Thank You.
Thank you so much for all your hard work in collecting the information for my 27 Hines cemetery entries. I found two people for whom I did not have burial information.
Comment by June Hines Moore (mooremanners@sbcglobal.net) (Little Rock, AR) on 2004-10-04 to Cemetery.
I would like to write to the Falcon Cemetery Association, if there is one, to inquire about a burial that took place in 1917. Could you furnish me the name and address of where I should direct my question? This information is for genealogical purposes. Thank You.
In Snell cemetery, you have listed Dennie R. Bell. That should be Dennis R. Bell. Just a typo I am sure. Also, referring to Mr. Wray's comment concerning the two cemeteries. The "Negro" cemetery is located directly behind the "White" cemetery. A fence separates the two, although the storm on June 2, 2004 took out a large portion of the fence with several large trees. Mary Virginia Bell Casteel
Comment by Anonymous (Anonymous) (Anonymous) on 2004-06-25 to Cemetery.
In the Shiloh #2 Cemetery, you have the same woman buried twice under different names. Nancy Izora Sherman was married to David Brantley. David died 11-17=1912 and Nancy later married a Norton. There is a double stone there with David and Nancy I. Brantly. There is also a listing in the cemetery of a Nancy I. Norton. Please note that the death dates for both are the same.
My mother-in-law, Mary Lou Lambert is buried in DeAnn Cemetery and on her headstone it says that she was born in 1913. For the information of researchers, she was actually born on Nov. 10, 1911.
I am reviewing the grave marking of Bertha Hopson whom is my grandmother; were there any information on my grandfather Frank Hopson whom I thought were listed on the double stone as well?
What a find. To be able to access records on line and not have to go to the actual cemetary. I located many many relatives on the Piney Grove Cemetary page. I had been to the cemetary once and had taken photo of some grave stones but did not know there were so many others. I will be confirming the dates of B. and D. against my records for accuracy and If I find any descrepancies I will notify you. Thanks for all the hard work you are doing. Barry Love - bmlove21090@msn.com
Thank you so much for the cemetery survey on the Sandefur Cemetery, I gather from what info is there that these were twins and a boy about 10 years old, is there anyone that would have info on death certificates (or did they even do those in those days?). Thanks again for the posting of the information about the cemetery.
In checking the cemetery records at De Ann (new) I notice that the date of birth for Clyde Watson Buchanan, II is listed as September 24, 1936. The correct year is 1935.
Elizabeth Buchanan
Dallas, Texas
JOHN HONEA--Father of Thomas Franklin Honea is buried at Caney. He was born Sept. 1828, died about 1910. He served in the CSA Co. B 33d ARK infantry. He has a CSA grave marker. If he is listed in the Cemetery Survey, there is a typo (Hohn Honea?) Also, the first wife of my ggfather Thomas Franklin Honea is buried at Caney, but her marker is no longer there. Her name was Ida Rhodes (May 1871-About 1900). Does anyone have any information about her?
Although I've only checked out the information once or twice I and have not found the information I'd hoped to find it has been helpful. I hope to find information soon. If anyone has information on John Weldon who married Katie Hardin (or Harding) from Amory, Mississippi who died in southwest Arkansas and are suppost to be buried in Ebenezer Cemetary it would be helpful to me.. their births, deaths, and if they are actually buried in Ebenzer Cemetary. Thanks Dianne Kirkpatrick great grand daughter of John and Katie Weldon
great job on the cemetery survey. very helpful in determining that payton g. tunnell, who is buried in the ebenezer cemetery is truly my gg grandfather. interesting information that said according to family member the marker was over the grave of vina fortune (his wife) I would be interested in knowing who the relative was that gave this information. also, the brother to isaac n. tunnell was jasper payton tunnell, buried in same cemetery.
There are some minor inaccuracies in the cemetery survey in the White section of Forest Hills:
Lewis NANCE died on 1 November 1855 (Forest Hills); the grave-stone is incorrect. His estate file names 1 November 1855 as his date of death.
David Witter BARHAM, not "Witten"
H C (Harriet Caldwell) BARHAM, not "H G."
Martha Catherine WHITE, not "Magaret."
The above are my blood-kin. (Beautiful work this cemetery survey.....lovely, and I wish other Arkansas counties did this.)Thank you !
Miss D
I guess that all good things must come to an end. The Cemetery Survey done by the McKelvys was the best in the USA. I will really miss it. [Editor's comment: The survery on this site IS the McKelvy Survey. We agree, it is definitely one of the best cemetery surverys ever done, anywhere, and is probably the easiest for information retrieval. Nine days after he posted his comment, Mr. Hollis let us know he had not yet created the account necessary to login.]
Comment by Jack Hollis (jhandnch@msn.com) (Texarkana, Tx.) on 2002-12-18 to Cemetery.
I was very pleased to find this website. We know very little about my mother's family, House-Martin. However on the Piney Grove Cemetery records my grandmothers name is listed as Laura Idella King, with a note saying that the grave marker has Laura Idell King. The grave stone is right. She was Laura Idell House Martin King. I have found a little information about Laura House, but have nothing about my grandfather. He was Thomas Wright Martin and he died in 1910 before my mother, Tommie Idell Martin Horne, was born. He had a sister, Dollie Martin Rudisill (sp?). Does anyone know anything about that branch of the Martin family.
I have corrections for cemetary survey. My mother is buried on the"Arnett" plott. Her name was Martha Jane Cook,Arnett being her maiden name. Her married name isn't listed. My grandmother,Teresa Arnett, is buried in the same plott. She isn't listed. My grandfather,her husband, William J. Arnett is there. Thank you for your time. This is a very interesting site. I knew or heard of so many people buried here and have cousins etc. Thanks,Teresa Pictor (Arnettt-Cook lineage)
Thanks for the cemetery page,I have found lots of relation on the Piney Grove page. My parents and grandparents are buried there, there is a error on my grandmother's birth year, Elizabeth Schafer should be 19 Nov. 1870. I know my mother's birth and death dates if somone whould like to contact me, there is no stone for my grandparents, but they are buried there and I can give you those dates to. Thank you.
Just ran across the Nevada Co. Cemetery Records and found that all but one of the Harrells listed are fairly close kin to my husband, in fact Robert C. Harrell is his father. I did find an obvious error: Philip S. Harrell's year of birth is listed as 02/08/1956 and death as 03/21/1932. The mistake is that 1956 should be 1856.
I did see surnames Reasons in Nevada county cemetery. How can I get more information, My grand dads name was Joseph and he had son Tommie in 1901/1906. My Dad's mom name Rebecca Ellington Campbel. North Little Rock
The question had to do with the Nevada Co. Cemetery records on line. In Mt. Olive Cemetery I believe that the dates for a Martha MITCHELL, b. ca. 1799 in SC, were off 100 years. It is probably an old tombstone that is difficult to read. The Martha MITCHELL I am looking for is the mother of Robert Henry MITCHELL (he is in Union) & Austin MITCHELL (older brother of Robert Henry).
In reference to Homemaker's Survey of Nevada County Arkansas Cemeteries for the listing: Nance, Lewis, Birth: 12/25/1780, Death: 11/27/1865, Notes: Husband, Forest Hill Cemetery - White The date of death is 1 November 1855 for Lewis Nance. I have his estate file from Hempstead County which gives that date. The date of birth is the same as on his tombstone of which I have pictures (25 December 1780), but I am not sure from where "27 November 1865" comes.
The "David E Cummings" in the De Ann Cemetery should be "David E Cummins". The family story is that David E (Kirk) Cummins gave the school authorities the site for the present Prescott High School, I would guess pushing 100 years ago. I do not know why he
I have seen the Ephesus Cemetery listed in various genealogical data as being in Nevada Co. but also Hempstead Co. Can anyone there clarify for me which county Ephesus Cemetery is in or direct me to a contact who can? Thanks. [Administrator's Note: Mt. Ephesus in Nevada County is located on Highway 67 north of Emmet. Emmet stradles the Nevada / Hempstead line.]
I would appreciate seeing my grandparents' (Robert I. Stewart and Bertie M. Stewart) and my uncle's (John R. Stewart) names listed in the records of those buried in DeAnne Cemetery.
I was pleased to locate Ernest & Erma HOLLAND who are both buried at Pleasant Ridge Cemetary. Ernest was my paternal uncle & I would be glad to get further information from any other family member. I have just started searching for information about my father's family. I am currently living in Germany & the Internet is my best source for now. Thank you for the information!
I noticed that you have a person listed as "LOWMACK, JIME" in the Nevada County Arkansas Cemetery Records. That is a very, very unusually and uncommon surname. Could he be a very distance family member? Can you provide me with some type of history identifying this person's roots?
A grave for John Evans is listed at Mt. Moriah Cemetery with an incorrect death date. The death date listed for John Evans is 27 Feb 1858; this should be 27 Feb 1898. I know that this is my great grandfather, because the birth date is listed correctly ( 15 Oct. 1832), and the day and month of death (27 Feb) is listed correctly. Thank all of you for your work on the behalf of so many of us. Because of the information found on your web site, I plan to visit Mt. Moriah soon.
I've really enjoyed browsing your website. I found members of my family that I knew little or nothing about in your cemetery listings. This is by far the best site that I've visited, and the most informative. I actually found my great grandmother.
Comment by Linda (Pennington) Black on 1999-04-14 to Cemetery.
I have been using your great Nevada County Cemetery Page to do lots of research. When I first found the "Old Page", I was more than thrilled. My familes came to Nevada (Hempstead) county between 1820 and 1867, so I have lots of roots there. To get to the
I noticed when I accessed the Neveda Cemetery blanks and put in the name Godbold, there is an error on my gg grandmother's name. It is listed on this as Lucretia G. Godbold. I will gladly send documentation that it should state Lucretia C. Godbold---in fact her maiden name was Johnson---her middle initial was C. I noticed that my ggg grandfather, Samuel Annanias Godbold, did not get listed with the others---and he is there---I have visited his grave! I have quite a lot of original documentation on the people buried in the Watts Cemetery. Elizabeth Evans Godbold Watts was my ggg aunt. If I can ever be of any help, just contact me.
When will you cemetary pages be updated, I couldn't find my grandparents Carl D. Morris or Carrie M. Morris (Carrie was born 10-31-1900 died 02-27-1997). Not sure of Carl's -- think he was born 06-19-1898 died 02-1970. I could not find Carl or Carrie Morris. I also could find their son Gilbert F Morris -- they are all burried in Sweet Home I think. This is one of the best pages I have come across and my wife, Paula, says it is one of the best she has used since getting into genealogy. We wish others would pattern themselves like yours!
The website is really terrific. Thanks for all your work in putting it together. I visited the cemetery listings, and I found a couple of errors (typos, probably) in two of the listings under DeAnn cemetery. The listing for Simon Jabez Hesterly should be Simeon Jabez Hesterly, and the listing for Ester Rief should be Esten Rieff.
This is a really great site. I have a question re the cemetery listings. Are the names for the DeAnn Cemetery complete? Or are the compilers still working on it. I do not see my parents' names, so I was wondering. Thanks.
I have been searching thru your SNELL cemetary. I note that you have it listed a a NEGRO cemetary. That is NOT correct - I am not saying that there are no negro graves there - but rather that it is NOT a NEGRO cemetary - please check with some of the local residents over at Emmet - and let me know the results of the search. I have family there so I know of what I speak. [Editor's note: This comment refers to the original database posted on the PCFA.ORG web site; there was a probem in the data entry that combined descriptions for two or more cemeteries with similar names; this problem has been corrected.]