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Pisgah Cemetery

This small cemetery is located southwest of Laneburg in the SW1/4 NW1/4 of Section 28, Township 12 South, Range 22 West. It is an old cemetery, but is well maintained and surrounded by a chain link fence.
Driving directions: From Laneburg, go west to Hwy. 53. Turn left on Hwy. 53 and go about one mile to Rd. No. 268. Turn right and go 9/10ths of a mile to a T intersection. Turn left on Rd. No. 31 and go 1/10th of a mile. The cemetery will be on your left, visible from the road. A complete record of this cemetery made in December, 1997.





Aslin, Amanda    7-14-1907  Grave not found during survey; information from newspaper 
Azlin (Aslin), Mr.    1887  From newspaper article dated 5-25-1887 
Aslin, Lincoln    7-15-1909  Age 13; grave not found during survey; information from obituary 
Barham, Mary A.  1-9-1853  3-20-1901  Wife of Rev. W. R. Barham 
Bright, James Cohen  9-28-1915  6-9-2007  Double marker with Annie E. Nelson Bright; m. 3-29-1941 
Bright, Annie E. Nelson  8-13-1923  2-10-2010  Double marker with James Cohen Bright; m.3-29-1941 
Cearley, Mrs. Sallie    12-2-1915  Information from newspaper article; grave not found during survey 
Davis, Jimmie Lee  9-16-1951  11-22-2023  Information from obituary
Obituary: Mr. Jimmie Lee Davis, age 72 of Emmet, Arkansas, passed away Wednesday... 
Easterling, D.   12-11-1850  9-1-1912   
Easterling, Amanda Hamric  1-27-1853  2-8-1941   
Easterling, John      Co. D-Hardy's Ark. Inf.-CSA; no dates; found an obit. for a Mr. Easterling (no first name) who died in June, 1912 at age 84; it could be this person 
Easterling, P. B.  3-16-1866  3-26-1947   
Evans, Nolon  12-5-1907  10-6-1912  Son of D. E. and Docia Evans 
Fore, Sara Crain Hamric  1831  1923   
Hamric, Elizabeth Jones  1855  7-13-1930  Wife of W. M. Hamric; full death date from obituary; year only on stone 
Hamric, W. M.  12-1-1855  5-6-1915  William Hamric in newspaper article 
Hazzard, L. B.  9-8-1827  2-22-1907  Funeral at Mt. Pisgah as per obituary; grave not found during survey 
Hudson, William O.   11-30-1881  6-9-1883  Son of J. W. and M. J. Hudson 
Jones, Arminda  10-3-1826  1-8-1899  Double marker with Thomas Jones 
Jones, Thomas  2-17-1821  2-15-1902  Double marker with Arminda Jones 
Jones, Idonia McGough  1866  9-24-1947  Full death date from obituary; years only on stone 
Jones, John P.   1858  1897   
Langston, Jessie Davis  1834  1898   
Marlar, Jimmy W.  1-13-1954  4-9-2001  Jimmy Wayne Marlar on metal marker; double marker with Brenda Kay Marlar; m. 4-2-1971 
Marlar, Brenda Kay  1-15-1955    Double marker with Jimmy K. Marlar; m. 4-2-1971 
Maroon, Tim G.  10-30-1951    Double marker with Nancy C. Maroon; m. 8-11-1970 
Maroon, Nancy C.  12-9-1952  6-20-2008  Nancy Carol Maroon in obituary; double marker with Tim G. Maroon; m. 8-11-1970 
Maroon, Brian Andrew  2-3-1987  2-28-2023  Double marker with Cynthia Rheannon Maroon; m. 5-1-2009
Obituary: Brian Maroon, age 36, of Emmet, Arkansas passed away on February 28, 2... 
Maroon, Cynthia Rheannon  5-21-1990  4-23-2021  Double marker with Brian Andrew Maroon; m. 5-1-2009 
Mason, Mary E.  12-27-1950  3-27-2017  Double marker with Jerry L. Mason; m. 6-23-1979 
Mason, Jerry L.  9-16-1945    Double marker with Mary E. Mason; m. 6-23-1979 
Murry, Adolphus A.   1877  8-13-1945  Double marker with Corene Murry; full death date from obituary; year only on stone 
Murry, Corene  1893  19--  Double marker with Adolphus A. Murry; death date not completely engraved 
Murry, W. J.   3-28-1844  5-5-1882  Double marker with Theresa Murry 
Murry, Theresa  8-8-1840  12-21-1921  Double marker with W. J. Murry 
Murry, J. B.  7-6-1869  7-28-1891  John Bunyan Murry in obituary; son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Murry; born in Louisiana (from obituary) 
Murry, Holbert    7-9-1908  Age 3; son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Murry; grave not found; info. from newspaper 
Robbins, Scott  5-25-1969  1-19-2014  Metal marker at time of survey; full dates from obituary 
Tate, James    Dec., 1948  Age 76; grave not found during survey; information from obituary 
Woodul, Janie  3-25-1876  11-2-1905  Wife of H. J. Woodul 

This survey is copyright ©1997-2025 by Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy. All rights are reserved. The McKelvy's grant the right to use listings on these web pages and in these databases for an individual's research project, but no commercial (for profit) publishing is allowed without the written consent of Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy.

References to an "earlier record" usually refer to a survey conducted in the 1950's by the Nevada County Extension Homemakers' Clubs, the original of which is on file at the Nevada County Depot and Museum.

Since 1997, Jery and Jeanie McKelvy have conducted a periodic canvas of each cemetery in the county and use additional resources to keep the listings current.