Tunnell, Payton G. | |
Birth: | ? |
Death: | March-1876 |
Comments: | Pvt.-18 Miss. Cav.--CSA; According to family member, this is actually the grave of Vina Fortner Tunnell (b. ca 1826, d. 1-10-1910), wife of Payton Graves Tunnell. Payton was buried near his home place, but when Hwy. 24 was built, it was built directly over Payton's grave. Family decided to put his military marker at his wife's grave. |
Burial: | Ebenezer Cemetery |
Notes: | Originally recorded in a survey on 3-27-1999 and updated on 2-19-2015. |
This survey is copyright ©1997-2025 by Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy. All rights are reserved. The McKelvy's grant the right to use listings on these web pages and in these databases for an individual's research project, but no commercial (for profit) publishing is allowed without the written consent of Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy.
References to an "earlier record" usually refer to a survey conducted in the 1950's by the Nevada County Extension Homemakers' Clubs, the original of which is on file at the Nevada County Depot and Museum.
Since 1997, Jery and Jeanie McKelvy have conducted a periodic canvas of each cemetery in the county and use additional resources to keep the listings current.