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Forest Hill/Briant Cemetery (Black)

This cemetery is located near the southwest corner of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 23 West. It is directly behind the Forest Hill Baptist church. The church was formerly called Fairview, but the name was changed many years ago. There is a black section in the back of the cemetery that has not been maintained. There is no fence dividing the two sections at this time. The black section was badly grown up when I visited it in September, 2018.
Driving directions: From the Nevada-Hempstead county line on Hwy. 278 (formerly Hwy. 4), go east toward Rosston 1.9 miles. Turn left on Rd. No. 43 and go 4/10ths of a mile. Turn left on Rd. No. 271 and go west 2/10ths of a mile to the church and cemetery. This is a dead-end road.





Braggs, Willie  7-4-1912  11-11-1987   
Brown, Margaret       
Brown, Mrs. M.  2-10-1820  6-10-1968   
Brown, Edgar  12-12-1902  11-11-1953   
Brown, Jeweline  7-16-1921  4-3-1938   
Brown, Dannie    3-15-1967   
Brown, William  8-17-1906  4-10-1932   
Cheatham, Sam, Jr.  10-19-1918  9-16-1969   
Daniel, Fannie  5-2-1902  5-16-1981   
Edward, Mary Ann  4-20-1885  4-12-1947   
Rodgers, W. R.  1866  1-24-1923   
Spearman, Silas    2-6-1937   
Turner, Ammree  11-4-1919  9-18-1985   
Wilson, F. W.  1895  1947   
Wilson, Richard  1883  1950   

This survey is copyright ©1997-2025 by Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy. All rights are reserved. The McKelvy's grant the right to use listings on these web pages and in these databases for an individual's research project, but no commercial (for profit) publishing is allowed without the written consent of Jerry and Jeanie McKelvy.

References to an "earlier record" usually refer to a survey conducted in the 1950's by the Nevada County Extension Homemakers' Clubs, the original of which is on file at the Nevada County Depot and Museum.

Since 1997, Jery and Jeanie McKelvy have conducted a periodic canvas of each cemetery in the county and use additional resources to keep the listings current.