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Subject: Looking for info on Sarah and Louis Suckle
Posted by: Victoria Ortiz down.town.riverside.15@gmail.com bounced
Date/Time: 2003-10-06 12:07 p.m.

My grandfather and grandmother, Louis and Sarah Suckle, lived in Prescott from about 1905 (presumed date of their marriage) until perhaps 1930 or 1936, when they moved to Texarkana, Texas. My mother, Helen Beatrice (later Bobbye) Suckle (later Ortiz) was born in Memphis, although the family was living in Prescott. They went to Memphis because of the hospital there. I know they lived in a small house and my grandfather at least for the first few years ran a clothing store or haberdashery called The New York Store. They were Jewish. I am very curious to find out details of any kind.

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