George Christopher
was born in Lowndes County, Alabama on October 31, 1836, child of thirteen children born to the union of Robert Christopher and his wife, Eliza (Neal) Christopher, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Georgia. In 1844 Robert Christopher had migrated from Alabama to Arkansas, settling in what is now Nevada County, twenty miles south of Prescott where he and his wife died and were buried in the family cemetery on their plantation.
The subject of this sketch was eight years of age when his parents came to Arkansas and was reared in the county, remaining at home until he had attained his 18th year when he went to Texas and engaged in the mercantile business. In 1861 he enlisted in Wall's Legion, serving as Sergeant Major until the close of the War between the States. After surrender, he came to Prescott, engaged in agricultural pure suits which he carried on successfully until 1880 when he was elected County and Circuit Clerk, and re-elected in 1882. At one time he was in the mercantile business in Prescott with his brother-in-law, W.C. Hatley. He also served as Justice of Peace for several years. He owned in Nevada County about 1500 acres of land, 250 acres of which were under cultivation.
He was married in 1871 to Miss Lucinda O. Young by whom he had 5 children: Bluford, Dick, Ham E., George Jr., and Pete. Mrs. Christopher died after the birth of these children and Mr. Christopher was married a second time to her sister, Janie E. Young. By his last marriage, Mr. Christopher had 2 children: Ned and Elizabeth.
Mr. Christopher was one of the leading men of the County and a member of the Masonic Fraternity. He and his wife were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He died in Prescott on May 24, 1894 and was buried in Jackson Township, Nevada County in the private Christopher Cemetery.
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