Mrs. Ethel McRae Bemis
Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel M. Bemis, who died at her home here 10 o'clock Friday night February 27, 1942, were held from the First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, with the pastor, Rev. R.D. Nolen conducting the services. Interment was in DeAnne Cemetery. D.L. McRae Jr., John Thomas McRae, Carlton McRae, T.C. McRae III, J.R. Bemis and Clarke White served as pall bearers. Born at Rosston, Ark., Nov. 16, 1875, the eldest child of the late Thomas C. McRae and Amelia A. (White) McRae, Mrs. Bemis moved to Prescott with her parents, Nov. 7, 1877. She was united in marriage to Horace E. Bemis, Nov. 14, 1900. Eight children were born of this union, four sons and four daughters. One daughter, Mildred, died January 14, 1931, at the age of 18. Mr. Bemis died April 1, 1914. She was a long-time member of the Presbyterian church here, and loved it, end did much for it and its cause and was an active worker in it until illness prevented her activities. Loved by everyone who knew her, Mrs. Bemis’ death brought sorrow to a great host of friends who will long cherish the memory of a most lovable and gracious character and friend.
She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Thomas G. McRae, a brother, Thomas C. McRae jr., a sister, Mrs. Mary Montgomery; four sons, Thoma M., Douglas K., James Hervey, and Horace Erastus. And three daughters, Norvelle (Mrs. William Johnson), Amelia (Mrs. Roger Smith), Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. J.R. Prewitt).
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