Oak Grove School District

In 1936 on five acres of land east of Rosston, Arkansas on Hwy 200, which was donated by the Barcus Family, along with the Oak Grove Church, the Oak Grove (Nevada County Training School) was built and began classes. It was one of the earliest consolidated all black school districts (District #4) in the State of Arkansas serving the southern part of Nevada County. It was also the largest with 1500 students.

Each teacher was required to visit the home of each one of his homeroom students (at least once each school term), and attended the church in the community where he taught. Bus drivers owned their buses.

The school motto was, "Only the Best is Good Enough for Our Children", and its mascot was "The Mighty Panthers".

The information found here is on display in a Souvenir Book of the Oak Grove High School at the Nevada County Depot Museum.