Past Industries

Berry Asphalt Company
The Berry Asphalt Company was built in
in Waterloo, Nevada County, Arkansas. It refined diesel fuel, lubricating oil, and asphalt.

Junction City Lumber Company
The Junction City Lumber Company (Arkansas Corporation) was organized in December 1905, and during the years 1906 to 1920 inclusive they had operated in Prescott almost continuously during those 15 years, their annual out-put was 8 million feet, and during that period of time they had manufactured and shipped to the Northern markets over 2 millions of dollars worth of lumber. (Annual sales $150,000.00.) In addition to their pay rolls at their Prescott plant, they also bought millions of feet of rough lumber from the small mills, which gives employment to hundreds of men at the out side mills, as well as employment to the farmers who hauled their logs to the small mills and lumber to the mills at Prescott. Most of their lumber was shipped to the Northern markets in car lots, while they did an extensive local business, as well. They were prepared to furnish you with lumber to build anything from a chicken coop to a mansion, and if you wanted lumber you could drop in to their office and let them figure on you requirements. The president of the company was John A. Davis. The phone number at that time was simply 97.
This information was provided from the "Illustrated Souvenir of Prescott Arkansas", published by the Nevada County Picayune Newspaper, Prescott, for viewing at the Nevada County Depot Museum in Prescott.

Lumkin's Gin
The Lumkin's (Cotton) Gin was located near the Junction City Lumber Co., on the west side of the railroad, and was first opened to the trade in the year 1911. In 1915 it was purchased by new owners, and had been under the management of B.F. Lumpkin who was a permanent resident of Prescott, Arkansas. Every year prior to opening the gin for the season's ginning, Mr. Lumpkin gave the entire plant an overhauling from end to end, so as to have no operating troubles, placing the plant in "apple pie" order. He was ready to do business right from the receiving of the first bale on through the season. This made it pleasant for the farmer in not having to wait a long time for repairs to be made while he was on the ground with his cotton. The gin had a capacity of forty bales per day. It was said that this gin gave fine results in ginning. This was due to knowing how to get the best results from a gin plant. Mr. Lumpkin had friends scattered all over Nevada County and made them by his honest dealings.
This information was provided from the "Illustrated Souvenir of Prescott Arkansas", published by the Nevada County Picayune Newspaper, Prescott, for viewing at the Nevada County Depot Museum in Prescott.

Prescott Ice Company
Probably no other industry was as popular during the summer months as that of ice making. The photo of The Prescott Ice Company doesn't do justice to the size of the plant nor does it show all of the buildings owned by the company. This was a 20 ton vogt tabsorption system plant. The machines were of the latest improved type.
In addition to the purest ice manufactured from distilled water the company made ice cream of the highest quality.
In a separate building from the main plant they maintained a bottling department where all the popular flavors were bottled in distilled water which brings out the flavor perfectly and insures their absolute purity.
"Arkola," which was most widely known as a distinctly Arkansas beverage of surpassing flavor and thirst quenching quality was their leader. Related to the "Cola" family, the drinkers of Arkola would tell you without hesitation that it was the best of them all without any exception.
Purity and cleanliness were the watchwords around the plant. Every department was equipped with the latest and most modern machinery to produce a pure high grade product.
Geo. F. Cress and A.H. Smith were the owners and gave their entire time to the management. From a small beginning they built up the business to its latest proportions. They took a keen and active interest in everything that helped to build up Prescott, Nevada County and the seven adjacent counties which their sales force covered.
This information was provided from the "Illustrated Souvenir of Prescott Arkansas", published by the Nevada County Picayune Newspaper, Prescott, for viewing at the Nevada County Depot Museum in Prescott.