Joseph Roland Hamilton
JOSEPH ROLAND HAMILTON was born December 8, 1890, at Dalark, Dallas County, Arkansas, the 2nd son of Horace Anderson Hamilton and his wife, Sallie (Montgomery) Hamilton, both of whom were natives of Sumner County, Tenn. When he was about 5 years of age, Joe R. Hamilton came with his parents to Prescott, Nevada County, Arkansas where he has continued to reside. He attended the Prescott schools end in 1907-1908 and 1909-1910 was a student at Western Military Academy, Upper Alton, 1ll., a suburb of the city of Alton. Both terms, he received the gold star, on award of merit given by the school for military discipline. He was on the “Upper Ten” each term and won the bronze medal for marksmen~ ship. The 2nd year, he received the silver medal which was the 2nd high award for competitive Manual of Arms drill.
On Dec. 27, 1911, he was married to Mary Winnie Haynie of Prescott, daughter of Hon. George Richard Haynie and his wife, Mary (Williams) Haynie. To this union no children were born.
Joe R. Hamilton was elected to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Henry Moore on the City Council when the latter removed to Hope, Ark. This was in the Fall of 1918; He held this office for 8 years. When Watson W. White Jr. resigned as Alderman in 1944, Mr. Hamilton was elected by the Council to fill his unexpired term. This place he held until 1948 when he was not a candidate for re-election.
He is a member of the Prescott Masonic Blue Lodge no. 80.
Beginning in 1910, he was associated with his father and his brother, Werner, in the General Mercantile business on the Corner of West Front and Main Streets. In this firm, he was manager of the Dry Goods Department. After the death of his father, and the liquidation of the firm of H.A, Hamilton and Co., Joe R, Hamilton became connected with Logan Gr. Co. (Wholesalers) as manager of the Dry Goods and Notion Dept. This was August 1928 end he has continued in this position up to the present time (1951).
On May 25, 1917, Joe R. Hamilton joined the 1st Presbyterian Church at Prescott. He was ordained as a Deacon in 1918; as Elder on Dec. 26, 1921; elected secretary of the Sunday School in 1913, a position which he held for about 18 years.
He was a member of the sponsoring committee which was responsible for the re-organization of the Presbyterian Men's Bible Class on October 13, 1946. Other members of this committee were: Orin Ells- worth, J. Hervey Bemis, Floyd Hubbard and Guss McCaskill, Mr. Hamilton was Secretary of this class for the first three years.
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