403 West First Street South
PO Box 592
Prescott AR 71857
Phone: (870) 887-5821
Problems Using the CD
Here is a list of problems users have experienced with the CDROM. If you discover
others, please let us know by sending e-mail to: admin@depotmuseum.org. We will get it corrected for the
next edition of the CDROM.
Starting the CD
If your Windows-based computer does not automatically load a web browser and the
index page, choose (double-click) the "index.html" file. If you have this problem
with all CDs, visit the
Microsoft web site
to learn how to turn on the Windows autoplay option.
(Look for articles
and perhaps
If Windows responds with a "Program Not Found" dialog box
for a program called "Shellout.Exe", specify or "Locate" the
Autorun folder on the Depot Museum CD.
File Not Found
File names on this CD can be as long as 32 characters, therefore, some operating
systems may have trouble finding some files.
The CD has been checked on Windows 95 (multiple editions),
Windows 98 (multiple editions), Windows ME, Windows NT 4 Workstation,
Windows NT 4 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, and Windows 2000 Server.
The CD has been checked on both Netscape and Internet Explorer.
The CD has not yet been tested, but should work fine on Macintosh and Unix browsers.
Images Do Not Appear On Screen
A few images were not available when we scanned the photobooks. The pages for those
photos clearly make that statement.
If a "cracked image" appears, please check the CD again after restarting your
computer. If the problem persists, please let us know; you may have a defective CD.
Click here
if you are not able to view the README.txt file on the Depot Museum CDROM.